A transistor operating with nominal gm of 40 mA/V has a beta that ranges from 50 to 150. Also, the bias circuit, being less than ideal, allows a
Calculate the overall efficiency of a satellite solar-power system that produces 10 GW on earth from two square photvoltaic arrays, each 5 km on the side. Assume a 0.95 packing fraction of the cells.
Calculate the small-signal y-parameter of an n-channel MOSFET what has a threshold voltage of -0.5V, Kn = 0.5 uA/V 2 and a channel length parameter of 0.01 V^-1 . The MOSFET is biased at VGS = 2 V and VDS = 4 V.
Consider a LTI system described by the differential equation d^2y(t)/dt^2 + 3dy(t)/dt + 2y(t) = dx(t)/dt a. Write the system transfer function H(j?) as a rational polynomial in j?. b. Use the partial fractions method to write the impulse response h(t) of the system. c. Write the step response of the system. (Recall that the step response of the system is the output when the input is u(t))
Consider MOS transistors fabricated in a 65-nm process for which unCox = 470 uA/V^2, upCox = 190 uA/V^2, Vtn = -Vtp = 0.35 V, and VDD = 1 V. (a) Find Ron of an NMOS transistor with W/L = 1.5. (b) Find Ron of a PMOS transistor with W/L = 1.5. (c) If Ron of the PMOS device is to be equal to that of the NMOS device in (a), what must (W/L)p be?