The op-amp in the circuit in Figure P12.66 has an open-loop differential voltage gain of Ad = 10^4. Neglect the current into the op-amp, and assume the output resistance looking back into the op-amp is zero. Determine: (a) the closed-loop voltage gain Av = Vo/Vs, (b) the input resistance Rif, and (c) the output resistance Rof.
1) For the circuit above, identify each transistor, M1 and M2, as corresponding to one of the following possibilities: Common Source (or Common Source with Source Degeneration) Common Gate Source Follower 2) Based on part (1) above, replace M1 and M2 with their simplified two-port models from Problem 1. 3) Reduce the model from part (2) above to a single two port model from Vin to Vout. Be sure to box your expressions for Rin, Rout, and Gm or Av. 4) Based on part (3) above, provide an expression for the DC gain of the above circuit.
2) Based on part (1) above, replace M1, and M2 with their simplified small-signal two port models from Assignment 1. Note that if you have current source/mirrors, replace them with a corresponding one-port model as discussed in Lecture 6. 1) For the circuit above, identify each transistor, M1 and M2, as corresponding to one of the following possibilities: Common Source (or Common Source with Source Degeneration) Common Gate Source Follower Current Source/Mirror (Example: M: Current Source/Mirror, M2: Common Gate) 3) Reduce the model from part (2) above to a single two port model from Vin to Vout. Be sure to box your expressions for Rin, Rout, and Gm or Av. 4) Based on part (3) above, provide an expression for the DC gain of the above circuit.