a) Assuming we can control the VIN between 0.5 V and 2.5 V, find the maximum value for resistor R as a function of VIN for the NMOS to stay in saturation. Note: The pullup resistor R is preferred to be large, a bit too large, and we go into the linear region of operation. b) Assume we want to keep the VOUT at 1.5 V, and ID at 200 uA. What should be the values for bias voltage VIN and resistor R? c) Based on part (b) values, find the maximum and minimum values for VOUT and VIN so that the NMOS stays in saturation. d) Based on part (b) values, find open circuit small signal gain, AV. Hint: Need to find values for gm and g0 first. For the following NMOS amplifier (driving load RL ) with the following parameters: Vdd = 2.5v Vbs = 0 RL = 10 k Vt0 = 0.5v lambda = 0.11v-1 W/L = 10 unCox = 200.0 uA/V2 Suppose the load resistor, RL, is not connected (open circuit):