In the circuit below, the supply voltage is VDD = 3.3 V, R1 = 120 kΩ, R2 = 60 kΩ, R3 = 30 kΩ, R4 = 10kΩ, CX = CY = CZ = ∞F, and the NMOS transistor has a transconductance parameter k = 4 mA/V2, a threshold voltage Vt = 0.5 V, and a channel-length modulation coefficient λ = 0.5 V-1 . (a) Without including the channel-length modulation, calculate the transistor dc voltages and currents, VG, VS, VD, and ID, and verify the transistor region of operation. (b) Calculate the small-signal transconductance gm and drain-to source resistance ro, sketch the small-signal equivalent circuit, find the small signal midband voltage gain vy/vx, when vx is connected to an ideal voltage source, vy is open-circuited and vz is grounded, and find the small-signal midband voltage gain vz/vx, when vx is connected to an ideal voltage source, vy is grounded and vz is open-circuited.
The circuit of Figure 3 has a voltage supply VDD with power budget of 6 mW (Assume the circuit uses all of it). RD = 200Ω, Rs = 30Ω If C1 is large, R1+R2 draws 5% of the power budget and the voltage drop across RS is equal to the overdrive voltage, complete the following (a) Sketch the smalll signal model (b) Design the circuit for a voltage gain (Vout/Vin ) with a magnitude of 5 (Find, gm, (W/L)1, R1, and R2
The threshold voltage of an NMOS transistor is VT = 0.4 V and the transconductance parameter is k = 3.6 mA/V2. When the gate voltage is VG = 2.2 V, the transistor is operating at the transition between the triode and saturation regions. Determine the drain current ID at this point. You may assume that the source is grounded.