for the amplifier circuit above, Rsig = 8 Kohm, RG = R1//R2 = 161 Kohm, Rs = 0.8 Kohm, RD = 3 Kohm, R3 = 10 Kohm, R4 = 2 Kohm. Given the transisitor has gm of 9.2 mS and ro of 33 Kohm, VTN of 1.2 V and VGS of 1.63 V. determine the input signal range in V.
The common source amplifier in Fig. 1 has (W/L)1 = 20, Vin = 2 + 0.1sin(1000πt − 90∘) V, Vout , dc = 3 V, and Vdd = 5 V. (a) Assuming λ = 0, γ = 0 for the MOSFETs, derive an expression for the small-signal gain of the amplifier using the large signal analysis. (b) Find the aspect ratio of M2 for the proper operation of the circuit. (c) Plot Vin and Vout for 4 ms and neatly label it. (d) Calculate the maximum allowable input voltage swing of the amplifier. 5 Marks Fig. 1.