10.71 A MOS differential amplifier is biased with a current source having an output resistance RSS = 200 kΩ and an output capacitance CSS = 0.25 pF. If the differential gain is found to have a dominant pole at 20 MHz, what is the 3-dB frequency of the CMRR?

10.71 A MOS differential amplifier is biased with a current source having an output resistance RSS = 200 kΩ and an output capacitance CSS = 0.25 pF. If the differential gain is found to have a dominant pole at 20 MHz, what is the 3-dB frequency of the CMRR?

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10.71 A MOS differential amplifier is biased with a current source having an output resistance R S S = 200 k Ω and an output capacitance C S S = 0.25 p F . If the differential gain is found to have a dominant pole at 20 M H z , what is the 3-dB frequency of the CMRR?

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