[20%] The circuit below is a BJT differential amplifier with VCC = VEE = 3 V. The DC current source IEE is assumed ideal. The two transistors are identical, operate in the active region, and have α = 0.99 and VA = ∞. The thermal voltage VT is 26 mV at room temperature. The input is purely differential, i. e. , vip = −vim = vid/2 a) Draw small-signal differential-mode half circuits of the differential amplifier. ( 5%) b) Express the differential voltage gain Ad, which is defined as (vop−vom)/vid, in terms of IEE, RL, α and VT⋅(6%) c) If IEE = 2 mA, what should be the value of RL to achieve Ad = 40 ? (4%) d) Choose another set of IEE and RL to maintain Ad = 40 while reducing the power consumption by half compared to the situation in part c). (2%) e) What is the maximum Ad that the circuit can achieve if the DC levels at the output nodes vop and vom must be equal to or higher than 0 V? (3%)

[20%] The circuit below is a BJT differential amplifier with VCC = VEE = 3 V. The DC current source IEE is assumed ideal. The two transistors are identical, operate in the active region, and have α = 0.99 and VA = ∞. The thermal voltage VT is 26 mV at room temperature. The input is purely differential, i. e. , vip = −vim = vid/2 a) Draw small-signal differential-mode half circuits of the differential amplifier. ( 5%) b) Express the differential voltage gain Ad, which is defined as (vop−vom)/vid, in terms of IEE, RL, α and VT⋅(6%) c) If IEE = 2 mA, what should be the value of RL to achieve Ad = 40 ? (4%) d) Choose another set of IEE and RL to maintain Ad = 40 while reducing the power consumption by half compared to the situation in part c). (2%) e) What is the maximum Ad that the circuit can achieve if the DC levels at the output nodes vop and vom must be equal to or higher than 0 V? (3%)

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[ 20 % ] The circuit below is a BJT differential amplifier with V C C = V E E = 3 V . The DC current source I E E is assumed ideal. The two transistors are identical, operate in the active region, and have α = 0.99 and V A = . The thermal voltage V T is 26 m V at room temperature. The input is purely differential, i.e., v i p = v i m = v i d / 2 a) Draw small-signal differential-mode half circuits of the differential amplifier. ( 5 % ) b) Express the differential voltage gain A d , which is defined as ( v o p v o m ) / v i d , in terms of I E E , R L , α and V T ( 6 % ) c) If I E E = 2 m A , what should be the value of R L to achieve A d = 40 ? (4%) d) Choose another set of I E E and R L to maintain A d = 40 while reducing the power consumption by half compared to the situation in part c ) . ( 2 % ) e) What is the maximum A d that the circuit can achieve if the DC levels at the output nodes v o p and v o m must be equal to or higher than 0V? (3%)

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