3.13 If, for a particular junction, the acceptor concentration is 1017 /cm3 and the donor concentration is 1016 /cm3, find the junction built-in voltage. Assume ni = 1.5×1010 /cm3. Also, find the width of the depletion region (W) and its extent in each of the p and n regions when the junction terminals are left open. Calculate the magnitude of the charge stored on either side of the junction. Assume that the junction area is 100 μm2.

3.13 If, for a particular junction, the acceptor concentration is 1017 /cm3 and the donor concentration is 1016 /cm3, find the junction built-in voltage. Assume ni = 1.5×1010 /cm3. Also, find the width of the depletion region (W) and its extent in each of the p and n regions when the junction terminals are left open. Calculate the magnitude of the charge stored on either side of the junction. Assume that the junction area is 100 μm2.

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3.13 If, for a particular junction, the acceptor concentration is 10 17 / c m 3 and the donor concentration is 10 16 / c m 3 , find the junction built-in voltage. Assume n i = 1.5 × 10 10 / c m 3 . Also, find the width of the depletion region ( W ) and its extent in each of the p and n regions when the junction terminals are left open. Calculate the magnitude of the charge stored on either side of the junction. Assume that the junction area is 100 μ m 2 .

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