30 points. Determine the impulse response and frequency response of the system defined by the difference equation y[n] = ay[n−1] + x[n−1] assuming |a| < 1. Your answers will be a function of a. 3.30 points. Suppose you have an LTI system with impulse response h[n] = {1 n = −1, 0, 10 otherwise (a) Determine whether this LTI system is causal and/or stable. (b) Determine the output of this system to the input x[n] = cos⁡(2πn/3 + π/6) for all n.

30 points. Determine the impulse response and frequency response of the system defined by the difference equation y[n] = ay[n−1] + x[n−1] assuming |a| < 1. Your answers will be a function of a. 3.30 points. Suppose you have an LTI system with impulse response h[n] = {1 n = −1, 0, 10 otherwise (a) Determine whether this LTI system is causal and/or stable. (b) Determine the output of this system to the input x[n] = cos⁡(2πn/3 + π/6) for all n.

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  1. 30 points. Determine the impulse response and frequency response of the system defined by the difference equation
y [ n ] = a y [ n 1 ] + x [ n 1 ]
assuming | a | < 1 . Your answers will be a function of a . 3. 30 points. Suppose you have an LTI system with impulse response
h [ n ] = { 1 n = 1 , 0 , 1 0 otherwise
(a) Determine whether this LTI system is causal and/or stable. (b) Determine the output of this system to the input x [ n ] = cos ( 2 π n / 3 + π / 6 ) for all n .

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