5.1 Design a resistive-load inverter with R = 1 kΩ, such that VOL = 0.6 V. The enhancement-type nMOS driver transistor has the following parameters: VDD = 5.0 V VT0 = 1.0 V γ = 0.2 V1/2 λ = 0 μnCox = 22.0 μA/V2 (a) Determine the required aspect ratio, W/L. (b) Determine VIL and VIH. (c) Determine noise margins NML and NMH.

5.1 Design a resistive-load inverter with R = 1 kΩ, such that VOL = 0.6 V. The enhancement-type nMOS driver transistor has the following parameters: VDD = 5.0 V VT0 = 1.0 V γ = 0.2 V1/2 λ = 0 μnCox = 22.0 μA/V2 (a) Determine the required aspect ratio, W/L. (b) Determine VIL and VIH. (c) Determine noise margins NML and NMH.

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5.1 Design a resistive-load inverter with R = 1 k Ω , such that V O L = 0.6 V . The enhancement-type nMOS driver transistor has the following parameters:
V D D = 5.0 V V T 0 = 1.0 V γ = 0.2 V 1 / 2 λ = 0 μ n C o x = 22.0 μ A / V 2
(a) Determine the required aspect ratio, W / L . (b) Determine V I L and V I H . (c) Determine noise margins N M L and N M H .

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