(50%) Analysis of a MOSFET Amplifier (a) (30%) Small-signal (AC) Analysis: All the capacitances are considered to be infinite. Draw the small-signal model. Determine Avo ( voul /vin), input resistance Rh, and output resistance Ro. (b) (20%) The values of the parameters are given as: VDD = 12 V, RD = 1 kΩ, RP = RG = 100 kΩ, kn′(WL) = 0.01 mA/V2, V1 = 1 V. Determine Vss to make |Avo| = 10 V/V and check the operation mode of the MOSFET. N-channel MOSFETs - DC Analysis

(50%) Analysis of a MOSFET Amplifier (a) (30%) Small-signal (AC) Analysis: All the capacitances are considered to be infinite. Draw the small-signal model. Determine Avo ( voul /vin), input resistance Rh, and output resistance Ro. (b) (20%) The values of the parameters are given as: VDD = 12 V, RD = 1 kΩ, RP = RG = 100 kΩ, kn′(WL) = 0.01 mA/V2, V1 = 1 V. Determine Vss to make |Avo| = 10 V/V and check the operation mode of the MOSFET. N-channel MOSFETs - DC Analysis

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  1. ( 50 % ) Analysis of a MOSFET Amplifier (a) ( 3 0 % ) Small-signal (AC) Analysis: All the capacitances are considered to be infinite. Draw the small-signal model. Determine A v o ( v oul / v i n ), input resistance R h , and output resistance R o . (b) ( 20 % ) The values of the parameters are given as: V D D = 12 V , R D = 1 k Ω , R P = R G = 100 k Ω , k n ( W L ) = 0.01 m A / V 2 , V 1 = 1 V . Determine V s s to make A r o l = 10 V / V and check the operation mode of the MOSFET. N-channel MOSFETs - DC Analysis

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