7.1 For the MOS amplifier of Fig. 7.2(a) with VDD = 3 V, Vt = 0.5 V, kn = 10 mA/V2, and RD = 15 kΩ, determine the coordinates of the active-region segment (AB) of the VTC [Fig. 7.2(b)]. (a) (b) Figure 7.2 (a) An NMOS amplifier and (b) its VTC. ANSWERS GIVEN IN THE BOOK: A: (0.5 V, 3 V) B: (0.69 V, 0.19 V)

7.1 For the MOS amplifier of Fig. 7.2(a) with VDD = 3 V, Vt = 0.5 V, kn = 10 mA/V2, and RD = 15 kΩ, determine the coordinates of the active-region segment (AB) of the VTC [Fig. 7.2(b)]. (a) (b) Figure 7.2 (a) An NMOS amplifier and (b) its VTC. ANSWERS GIVEN IN THE BOOK: A: (0.5 V, 3 V) B: (0.69 V, 0.19 V) 7.1 For the MOS amplifier of Fig. 7.2(a) with VDD = 3 V, Vt = 0.5 V, kn = 10 mA/V2, and RD = 15 kΩ, determine the coordinates of the active-region segment (AB) of the VTC [Fig. 7.2(b)]. (a) (b) Figure 7.2 (a) An NMOS amplifier and (b) its VTC. ANSWERS GIVEN IN THE BOOK: A: (0.5 V, 3 V) B: (0.69 V, 0.19 V)

Image text
7.1 For the MOS amplifier of Fig. 7.2(a) with V D D = 3 V , V t = 0.5 V , k n = 10 m A / V 2 , and R D = 15 k Ω , determine the coordinates of the active-region segment (AB) of the VTC [Fig. 7.2(b)].
(a) (b)
Figure 7.2 (a) An NMOS amplifier and (b) its VTC. ANSWERS GIVEN IN THE BOOK: A: ( 0.5 V , 3 V ) B: ( 0.69 V , 0.19 V )

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