7.2 For the PMOS differential amplifier shown in Fig. P 7.2 let Vtp = -0.8 V and kp'W/L = 3.5 mA/V2. Neglect channel-length modulation. Figure P7.2 (a) For vG1 = vG2 = 0 V, find VOV and VGS for each of Q1 and Q2. Also find vs, vD1, and vD2. (b) If the current source requires a minimum voltage of 0.5 V, find the input common-mode range.

7.2 For the PMOS differential amplifier shown in Fig. P 7.2 let Vtp = -0.8 V and kp'W/L = 3.5 mA/V2. Neglect channel-length modulation. Figure P7.2 (a) For vG1 = vG2 = 0 V, find VOV and VGS for each of Q1 and Q2. Also find vs, vD1, and vD2. (b) If the current source requires a minimum voltage of 0.5 V, find the input common-mode range.

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7.2 For the PMOS differential amplifier shown in Fig. P 7.2 let Vtp = -0.8 V and kp′W/L = 3.5 mA/V2. Neglect channel-length modulation. Figure P7.2 (a) For vG1 = vG2 = 0 V, find VOV and VGS for each of Q1 and Q2. Also find vs, vD1, and vD2. (b) If the current source requires a minimum voltage of 0.5 V, find the input common-mode range.

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