7.24 The parameters of the transistor in the circuit in Figure P7.24 are VBE( on ) = 0.7 V, β = 100, and VA = ∞. (a) Determine the quiescent and small-signal parameters of the transistor. (b) Find the time constants associated with CC1 and CC2. (c) Is there a dominant −3 dB frequency? Estimate the −3 dB frequency. Figure P7.24

7.24 The parameters of the transistor in the circuit in Figure P7.24 are VBE( on ) = 0.7 V, β = 100, and VA = ∞. (a) Determine the quiescent and small-signal parameters of the transistor. (b) Find the time constants associated with CC1 and CC2. (c) Is there a dominant −3 dB frequency? Estimate the −3 dB frequency. Figure P7.24

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Figure P7.24 7.24 The parameters of the transistor in the circuit in Figure P7.24 are V B E ( on ) = 0.7 V , β = 100 , and V A = . (a) Determine the quiescent and small-signal parameters of the transistor. (b) Find the time constants associated with C C 1 and C C 2 . (c) Is there a dominant 3 d B frequency? Estimate the 3 d B frequency.

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