7. In the circuit above, the MOSFET and BJT have the following parameters,[5∗6=30] K = 4 mA/V2, VT = 0.9 v, β = 100, VBE(active) = 0.7v, VBE( sat) = 0.8 v a. Find out the gate voltage of the MOSFET. b. Calculate V1. c. Find out the expression for VGS, VDS & Vov d. Find the operating mode of the MOSFET using the expressions from. [Hint: You don't need any assumption] e. Calculate IDS and VDS using the given parameters. f. Assume that the BJT is in the saturation mode. Now, calculate IB, IC, IE. You must validate the given assumption. Figure-3

7. In the circuit above, the MOSFET and BJT have the following parameters,[5∗6=30] K = 4 mA/V2, VT = 0.9 v, β = 100, VBE(active) = 0.7v, VBE( sat) = 0.8 v a. Find out the gate voltage of the MOSFET. b. Calculate V1. c. Find out the expression for VGS, VDS & Vov d. Find the operating mode of the MOSFET using the expressions from. [Hint: You don't need any assumption] e. Calculate IDS and VDS using the given parameters. f. Assume that the BJT is in the saturation mode. Now, calculate IB, IC, IE. You must validate the given assumption. Figure-3

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Figure-3 7. In the circuit above, the MOSFET and BJT have the following parameters, [ 5 6 = 30 ]
K = 4 m A / V 2 , V T = 0.9 v , β = 100 , V B E ( (active) = 0.7 v , V B E ( sat) = 0 . 8 v
a. Find out the gate voltage of the MOSFET. b. Calculate V 1 . c. Find out the expression for V G S , V D S & V ov d. Find the operating mode of the MOSFET using the expressions from. [Hint: You don't need any assumption] e. Calculate I D S and V D S using the given parameters. f. Assume that the BJT is in the saturation mode. Now, calculate I B , I C , I E . You must validate the given assumption.

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