A 0.18-μm fabrication process is specified to have tox = 4 nm, μn = 450 cm2/V⋅s, and Vthn = 0.5 V. The dielectric constant of the silicon dioxide is 3.9. Find the value of the process transconductance parameter. For a MOSFET with minimum length fabricated in this process, find the required value of W so that the device exhibits a channel resistance rDS of 1 kΩ at vGS = 1 V. Ans. 388 μA/V2; 0.93 μm.

A 0.18-μm fabrication process is specified to have tox = 4 nm, μn = 450 cm2/V⋅s, and Vthn = 0.5 V. The dielectric constant of the silicon dioxide is 3.9. Find the value of the process transconductance parameter. For a MOSFET with minimum length fabricated in this process, find the required value of W so that the device exhibits a channel resistance rDS of 1 kΩ at vGS = 1 V. Ans. 388 μA/V2; 0.93 μm.

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A 0.18 μ m fabrication process is specified to have t o x = 4 n m , μ n = 450 c m 2 / V s , and V t h n = 0.5 V . The dielectric constant of the silicon dioxide is 3.9. Find the value of the process transconductance parameter. For a MOSFET with minimum length fabricated in this process, find the required value of W so that the device exhibits a channel resistance r D S of 1 k Ω at v G S = 1 V . Ans. 388 μ A / V 2 ; 0.93 μ m .

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