A 512M-bit DRAM is designed to be used by a microprocessor. The DRAM requires 10ns for each refresh operation and the refresh period of the DRAM is 256µs. The microprocessor issues a refresh cycle every 50ns. Determine the maximum number of rows of the DRAM that can be used by the microprocessor without any refresh issue. (c) Determine the time (in %) spent for the refresh operation using the parameters in Question 2(b).

A 512M-bit DRAM is designed to be used by a microprocessor. The DRAM requires 10ns for each refresh operation and the refresh period of the DRAM is 256µs. The microprocessor issues a refresh cycle every 50ns. Determine the maximum number of rows of the DRAM that can be used by the microprocessor without any refresh issue. (c) Determine the time (in %) spent for the refresh operation using the parameters in Question 2(b).

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A 512M-bit DRAM is designed to be used by a microprocessor. The DRAM requires 10ns for each refresh operation and the refresh period of the DRAM is 256µs. The microprocessor issues a refresh cycle every 50ns. Determine the maximum number of rows of the DRAM that can be used by the microprocessor without any refresh issue. (c) Determine the time (in %) spent for the refresh operation using the parameters in Question 2(b).

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