A particular MOSFET for which Vtn = 0.4 V and kn'(W/L) = 2 mA/V2 is to be operated in the saturation region. If iD is to be 50 μA, find the required vGS and the minimum required vDS . Repeat for iD = 200 μA.

A particular MOSFET for which Vtn = 0.4 V and kn'(W/L) = 2 mA/V2 is to be operated in the saturation region. If iD is to be 50 μA, find the required vGS and the minimum required vDS . Repeat for iD = 200 μA.

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A particular MOSFET for which Vtn = 0.4 V and kn'(W/L) = 2 mA/V2 is to be operated in the saturation region. If iD is to be 50 μA, find the required vGS and the minimum required vDS . Repeat for iD = 200 μA.

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