A simplified version of a common source amplifier is shown below. The MOSFET parameters are given beside the circuit diagram. a) Specify the value of VGG needed to produce a drain current ID = 0.1 mA. b) What is the output voltage vo(t)? include both DC and ac terms.

A simplified version of a common source amplifier is shown below. The MOSFET parameters are given beside the circuit diagram. a) Specify the value of VGG needed to produce a drain current ID = 0.1 mA. b) What is the output voltage vo(t)? include both DC and ac terms.

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A simplified version of a common source amplifier is shown below. The MOSFET parameters are given beside the circuit diagram. a) Specify the value of VGG needed to produce a drain current ID = 0.1 mA. b) What is the output voltage vo(t)? include both DC and ac terms.

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