An analog electrocardiogram (ECG) signal contains useful frequencies up to 100 Hz. (a) What is the Nyquist rate for this signal? (b) Suppose that we sample this signal at a rate of 250 samples/s. What is the highest frequency that can be represented uniquely at this sampling rate?

An analog electrocardiogram (ECG) signal contains useful frequencies up to 100 Hz. (a) What is the Nyquist rate for this signal? (b) Suppose that we sample this signal at a rate of 250 samples/s. What is the highest frequency that can be represented uniquely at this sampling rate?

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An analog electrocardiogram (ECG) signal contains useful frequencies up to 100 H z .
(a) What is the Nyquist rate for this signal?
(b) Suppose that we sample this signal at a rate of 250 samples/s. What is the highest frequency that can be represented uniquely at this sampling rate?

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