An enhancement mode n-channel MOSFET has the gate (oxide) capacitance per unit cross-sectional area is 2⋅10−6 F/cm2 and the transistor's threshold voltage of VT = 0.6 V. The channel length is 20 μm ( μm = 10−6m = micrometer). If the gate and drain electric potentials are VG = VD = 2 V, and the source is grounded (Vs = 0 V), a) Calculate the VDS(SAT): b) Is this MOSFET ON or OFF? If it is ON, is this transistor in the non-saturation or saturation region and why? c) Calculate the drain current/width (ID/W) if the effective channel mobility of electrons is 550 cm2/V/s at this gate bias.

An enhancement mode n-channel MOSFET has the gate (oxide) capacitance per unit cross-sectional area is 2⋅10−6 F/cm2 and the transistor's threshold voltage of VT = 0.6 V. The channel length is 20 μm ( μm = 10−6m = micrometer). If the gate and drain electric potentials are VG = VD = 2 V, and the source is grounded (Vs = 0 V), a) Calculate the VDS(SAT): b) Is this MOSFET ON or OFF? If it is ON, is this transistor in the non-saturation or saturation region and why? c) Calculate the drain current/width (ID/W) if the effective channel mobility of electrons is 550 cm2/V/s at this gate bias.

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An enhancement mode n-channel MOSFET has the gate (oxide) capacitance per unit cross-sectional area is 2⋅10−6 F/cm2 and the transistor's threshold voltage of VT = 0.6 V. The channel length is 20 μm ( μm = 10−6m = micrometer). If the gate and drain electric potentials are VG = VD = 2 V, and the source is grounded (Vs = 0 V), a) Calculate the VDS(SAT): b) Is this MOSFET ON or OFF? If it is ON, is this transistor in the non-saturation or saturation region and why? c) Calculate the drain current/width (ID/W) if the effective channel mobility of electrons is 550 cm2/V/s at this gate bias.

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