An initially uncharged air-filled capacitor is connected to a 5.91 V charging source. As a result, the capacitor acquires 5.13×10−5 C of charge. Then, while the capacitor remains connected to the charging source, a sheet of dielectric material is inserted between its plates, completely filling the space. The dielectric constant κ of this substance is 5.83. Find the voltage V across the capacitor and the charge Qf stored by it after the dielectric is inserted and the circuit has returned to a steady state. V = V Qf = C

An initially uncharged air-filled capacitor is connected to a 5.91 V charging source. As a result, the capacitor acquires 5.13×10−5 C of charge. Then, while the capacitor remains connected to the charging source, a sheet of dielectric material is inserted between its plates, completely filling the space. The dielectric constant κ of this substance is 5.83. Find the voltage V across the capacitor and the charge Qf stored by it after the dielectric is inserted and the circuit has returned to a steady state. V = V Qf = C

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An initially uncharged air-filled capacitor is connected to a 5.91 V charging source. As a result, the capacitor acquires 5.13 × 10 5 C of charge. Then, while the capacitor remains connected to the charging source, a sheet of dielectric material is inserted between its plates, completely filling the space. The dielectric constant κ of this substance is 5.83 .
Find the voltage V across the capacitor and the charge Q f stored by it after the dielectric is inserted and the circuit has returned to a steady state.
V = V Q f = C

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