An N-MOSFET is fabricated using a 0.18 μm technology (minimum channel length Lmin = 0.18 μm.) It's kn′ = 387 μA/V2 and VA′ = 5 V/μm. For the basic amplifier cell that is biased by a current source, as shown in the following circuit, it's required to obtain an intrinsic gain ( vd/vi in the circuit) of 25 V/V and a gm of 1 mA/V. Assuming the overdrive voltage in the system is VoV = 0.2 V, find the required values of L, W/L, and the bias current I of the cell. (Note: the Early voltage VA can be given in the format of VA′ - Early voltage per unit channel length. Therefore, VA = VA′⋅L.)

An N-MOSFET is fabricated using a 0.18 μm technology (minimum channel length Lmin = 0.18 μm.) It's kn′ = 387 μA/V2 and VA′ = 5 V/μm. For the basic amplifier cell that is biased by a current source, as shown in the following circuit, it's required to obtain an intrinsic gain ( vd/vi in the circuit) of 25 V/V and a gm of 1 mA/V. Assuming the overdrive voltage in the system is VoV = 0.2 V, find the required values of L, W/L, and the bias current I of the cell. (Note: the Early voltage VA can be given in the format of VA′ - Early voltage per unit channel length. Therefore, VA = VA′⋅L.)

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  1. An N-MOSFET is fabricated using a 0.18 μ m technology (minimum channel length L min = 0.18 μ m .) It's k n = 387 μ A / V 2 and V A = 5 V / μ m . For the basic amplifier cell that is biased by a current source, as shown in the following circuit, it's required to obtain an intrinsic gain ( v d / v i in the circuit) of 25 V / V and a g m of 1 m A / V . Assuming the overdrive voltage in the system is V o V = 0.2 V , find the required values of L , W / L , and the bias current I of the cell. (Note: the Early voltage V A can be given in the format of V A - Early voltage per unit channel length. Therefore, V A = V A L .)

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