Analyze the following common gate amplifier that uses a NMOS transistor: a) Draw the small-signal T-model of the circuit (Ignore channel length modulation effect). b) Find the expressions for Rin, Av = vO/vi and Gv = vO/vsig

Analyze the following common gate amplifier that uses a NMOS transistor: a) Draw the small-signal T-model of the circuit (Ignore channel length modulation effect). b) Find the expressions for Rin, Av = vO/vi and Gv = vO/vsig

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  1. Analyze the following common gate amplifier that uses a NMOS transistor: a) Draw the small-signal T-model of the circuit (Ignore channel length modulation effect). b) Find the expressions for R in , A v = v O / v i and G v = v O / v s i g

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