Assume that all transistors in the following circuit are active. Find the small-signal AC gain V0 /Vi for gmn = 2.5 mA/V, gmp = 1.8 mA/V, Xn = Xp = 0.2, rdsn = 29.5 kΩ, rdsp = 24.1 kΩ

Assume that all transistors in the following circuit are active. Find the small-signal AC gain V0 /Vi for gmn = 2.5 mA/V, gmp = 1.8 mA/V, Xn = Xp = 0.2, rdsn = 29.5 kΩ, rdsp = 24.1 kΩ

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Assume that all transistors in the following circuit are active. Find the smallsignal A C gain V 0 / V i for g m n = 2.5 m A / V , g m p = 1.8 mA / V , X n = X p = 0.2 , r d s n = 29.5 k Ω , r dsp = 24.1 k Ω

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