Assume transistors M1/M2 have the following properties. Assume Vin has a DC level of 1.2V and RD = 2k VT,n = 1.0V, µnCox = 1mA/V2, VDD = 5V, For M1 W/L=3, For M2 W/L=2 Find the drain current of M1 and M2 and the DC value for Vx and Vout Draw a small signal model for this design. Find the gain from Vin to Vout. What is the phase relationship between Vin and Vout.

Assume transistors M1/M2 have the following properties. Assume Vin has a DC level of 1.2V and RD = 2k VT,n = 1.0V, µnCox = 1mA/V2, VDD = 5V, For M1 W/L=3, For M2 W/L=2 Find the drain current of M1 and M2 and the DC value for Vx and Vout Draw a small signal model for this design. Find the gain from Vin to Vout. What is the phase relationship between Vin and Vout.

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Assume transistors M1/M2 have the following properties. Assume Vin has a DC level of 1.2V and RD = 2k VT,n = 1.0V, µnCox = 1mA/V2, VDD = 5V, For M1 W/L=3, For M2 W/L=2 Find the drain current of M1 and M2 and the DC value for Vx and Vout Draw a small signal model for this design. Find the gain from Vin to Vout. What is the phase relationship between Vin and Vout.

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