Assuming that transistors M1 is properly biased ( Vin has a proper DC component and a small-signal component) and M1 and M2 are operating in the saturation region, and capacitor C is large enough such that at the frequency of the input small signal it can be considered as a short circuit, find Find RL such that the magnitude of the small-signal gain of the circuit, namely, ∣Vout/Vin ∣ is 5 V/V. In the following circuit we have: VDD = 3 V (W/L)3 = (W/L)5 = (W/L)6 = 10 (W/L)4 = 40 (W/L)2 = 100 (W/L)1 = 25 R = 1 kΩ The technology parameters are: λ(NMOS) = λ(PMOS) = 0 V−1, γ = 0, VTH(NMOS) = ∣VTH(PMOS)∣ = 0.5 V, μnCox = 0.5 mA/V2, μpCox = 0.25 mA/V2.

Assuming that transistors M1 is properly biased ( Vin  has a proper DC component and a small-signal component) and M1 and M2 are operating in the saturation region, and capacitor C is large enough such that at the frequency of the input small signal it can be considered as a short circuit, find Find RL such that the magnitude of the small-signal gain of the circuit, namely, ∣Vout/Vin ∣ is 5 V/V. In the following circuit we have:  VDD = 3 V (W/L)3 = (W/L)5 = (W/L)6 = 10 (W/L)4 = 40 (W/L)2 = 100 (W/L)1 = 25 R = 1 kΩ The technology parameters are: λ(NMOS) = λ(PMOS) = 0 V−1, γ = 0, VTH(NMOS) = ∣VTH(PMOS)∣ = 0.5 V, μnCox = 0.5 mA/V2, μpCox = 0.25 mA/V2.

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Assuming that transistors M1 is properly biased ( Vin has a proper DC component and a small-signal component) and M1 and M2 are operating in the saturation region, and capacitor C is large enough such that at the frequency of the input small signal it can be considered as a short circuit, find Find RL such that the magnitude of the small-signal gain of the circuit, namely, ∣Vout/Vin ∣ is 5 V/V. In the following circuit we have: VDD = 3 V (W/L)3 = (W/L)5 = (W/L)6 = 10 (W/L)4 = 40 (W/L)2 = 100 (W/L)1 = 25 R = 1 kΩ The technology parameters are: λ(NMOS) = λ(PMOS) = 0 V−1, γ = 0, VTH(NMOS) = ∣VTH(PMOS)∣ = 0.5 V, μnCox = 0.5 mA/V2, μpCox = 0.25 mA/V2.

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