(b) For a MOSFET current source shown in Figure 5 the circuit parameters are: V+ = 3 V and V − = −3 V. Transistor parameters for NMOS are: VTN = 0.7 V, kn′ = 200 μA/V2 and λn = 0.01 V−1; and the transistor parameters for PMOS are: VTP = −0.6 V, kp′ = 80 μA/V2 and λp = 0.03 V−1. The transistor aspect ratios are: (W/L)1 = 10, (W/L)2 = 35, (W/L)3 = 5 and (W/L)4 = 15. Find IO, IREF and the VGS voltages for all transistors if the minimum voltage at the drain of transistor M2, i.e. VD2 is −2.3 V. [12 Marks] Figure 5

(b) For a MOSFET current source shown in Figure 5 the circuit parameters are: V+ = 3 V and V − = −3 V. Transistor parameters for NMOS are: VTN = 0.7 V, kn′ = 200 μA/V2 and λn = 0.01 V−1; and the transistor parameters for PMOS are: VTP = −0.6 V, kp′ = 80 μA/V2 and λp = 0.03 V−1. The transistor aspect ratios are: (W/L)1 = 10, (W/L)2 = 35, (W/L)3 = 5 and (W/L)4 = 15. Find IO, IREF and the VGS voltages for all transistors if the minimum voltage at the drain of transistor M2, i.e. VD2 is −2.3 V. [12 Marks] Figure 5

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(b) For a MOSFET current source shown in Figure 5 the circuit parameters are: V + = 3 V and V = 3 V . Transistor parameters for NMOS are: V T N = 0 . 7 V , k n = 2 0 0 μ A / V 2 and λ n = 0 . 0 1 V 1 ; and the transistor parameters for PMOS are: V T P = 0 . 6 V , k p = 8 0 μ A / V 2 and λ p = 0 . 0 3 V 1 . The transistor aspect ratios are: ( W / L ) 1 = 1 0 , ( W / L ) 2 = 3 5 , ( W / L ) 3 = 5 and ( W / L ) 4 = 1 5 . Find I O , I R E F and the V G S voltages for all transistors if the minimum voltage at the drain of transistor M 2 , i.e. V D 2 is 2 . 3 V . [12 Marks] Figure 5

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