Calculate the differential-mode voltage gain, common-mode voltage gain, and common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of the fully-differential amplifier shown in Fig. 2. For CMRR calculation, neglect the mismatch in the two RB resistors but consider a relative mismatch of 5% between the two RD resistors. Assume the below values in calculations and neglect channel length modulation and body effect. VDD = 1.8 V, RB = 500 ohm, RS = 200 ohm, RD = 1.5 kohm, RL =5 kohm, unCox = 180 uA/V2, W = 20 um, L = 0.18 um, Vt = 0.6 V, ID = 450 uA. Fig. 2. Fully-differential common-source amplifier with source degeneration and resistive loads.

Calculate the differential-mode voltage gain, common-mode voltage gain, and common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of the fully-differential amplifier shown in Fig. 2. For CMRR calculation, neglect the mismatch in the two RB resistors but consider a relative mismatch of 5% between the two RD resistors. Assume the below values in calculations and neglect channel length modulation and body effect. VDD = 1.8 V, RB = 500 ohm, RS = 200 ohm, RD = 1.5 kohm, RL =5 kohm, unCox = 180 uA/V2, W = 20 um, L = 0.18 um, Vt = 0.6 V, ID = 450 uA. Fig. 2. Fully-differential common-source amplifier with source degeneration and resistive loads.

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Calculate the differential-mode voltage gain, common-mode voltage gain, and common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of the fully-differential amplifier shown in Fig. 2. For CMRR calculation, neglect the mismatch in the two RB resistors but consider a relative mismatch of 5% between the two RD resistors. Assume the below values in calculations and neglect channel length modulation and body effect. VDD = 1.8 V, RB = 500 ohm, RS = 200 ohm, RD = 1.5 kohm, RL =5 kohm, unCox = 180 uA/V2, W = 20 um, L = 0.18 um, Vt = 0.6 V, ID = 450 uA. Fig. 2. Fully-differential common-source amplifier with source degeneration and resistive loads.

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