Calculate the differential voltage gain ( =(Vout1 − Vout2)/(Vin1 − Vin2)) of the circuit below. Assume perfect symmetry and include channel length modulation. Use μnCox = 200 μA/V2, λn = 0.1, λp = 0.2 and ISS = 200 μA, ID5 = 50 μA, VGS−VTH = 0.1 V, VGS3−VTH = 0.2 V

Calculate the differential voltage gain ( =(Vout1 − Vout2)/(Vin1 − Vin2)) of the circuit below. Assume perfect symmetry and include channel length modulation. Use μnCox = 200 μA/V2, λn = 0.1, λp = 0.2 and ISS = 200 μA, ID5 = 50 μA, VGS−VTH = 0.1 V, VGS3−VTH = 0.2 V

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  1. Calculate the differential voltage gain ( = ( V out 1 V out 2 2 ) / ( V in 1 V in 2 ) ) of the circuit below. Assume perfect symmetry and include channel length modulation. Use μ n C o x = 200 μ A / V 2 , λ n = 0.1 , λ p = 0.2 and I S S = 200 μ A , I D 5 = 50 μ A , V G S V T H = 0.1 V , V G S 3 V T H = 0.2 V

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