Consider a bipolar cascode amplifier biased of 2 mA. The transistors used have β = 100, ro = 100 kΩ. A load resistance RP = 2.4 kΩ is connected at the output. Find the voltage gain Av

Consider a bipolar cascode amplifier biased of 2 mA. The transistors used have β = 100, ro = 100 kΩ. A load resistance RP = 2.4 kΩ is connected at the output. Find the voltage gain Av

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Consider a bipolar cascode amplifier biased of 2 mA . The transistors used have β = 1 0 0 , r o = 100 k Ω . A load resistance R P = 2.4 k Ω is connected at the output. Find the voltage gain A v

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