Consider an NMOS transistor fabricated in a 0.18-um process with L = 0.18 um and W = 2 um. The process technology is specified to have tox = 4nm, un = 450 cm^2/V-s and Vtn = 0.5V. Find the current ID and VDS considering the MOSFET is working at the boundary of saturation region with VGS = 0.72V. Now it is observed that if VDS increases MOSFET current ID also increases to a value of 200uA due to a change in channel length, determine the new length of the channel.

Consider an NMOS transistor fabricated in a 0.18-um process with L = 0.18 um and W = 2 um. The process technology is specified to have tox = 4nm, un = 450 cm^2/V-s and Vtn = 0.5V. Find the current ID and VDS considering the MOSFET is working at the boundary of saturation region with VGS = 0.72V. Now it is observed that if VDS increases MOSFET current ID also increases to a value of 200uA due to a change in channel length, determine the new length of the channel.

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Consider an NMOS transistor fabricated in a 0.18-um process with L = 0.18 um and W = 2 um. The process technology is specified to have tox = 4nm, un = 450 cm^2/V-s and Vtn = 0.5V. Find the current ID and VDS considering the MOSFET is working at the boundary of saturation region with VGS = 0.72V. Now it is observed that if VDS increases MOSFET current ID also increases to a value of 200uA due to a change in channel length, determine the new length of the channel.

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