Consider the circuit above. This circuit is a common gate amplifier. Assume the NMOS M1 is in saturation. The ideal current source I = 0.5mA. For M1, kn = 0.25 mA/V2, and λ = 0. C1 and C3 have infinite capacitance. RS = 1kΩ, RG = 100kΩ, RD = 10kΩ, RL = 50kΩ. (a) What is the input impedance Rin, indicated by the arrow? (b) What is the total voltage gain: Av = vo/vs?

 Consider the circuit above. This circuit is a common gate amplifier. Assume the NMOS M1 is in saturation. The ideal current source I = 0.5mA. For M1, kn = 0.25 mA/V2, and λ = 0. C1 and C3 have infinite capacitance. RS = 1kΩ, RG = 100kΩ, RD = 10kΩ, RL = 50kΩ. (a) What is the input impedance Rin, indicated by the arrow? (b) What is the total voltage gain: Av = vo/vs?

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  1. Consider the circuit above. This circuit is a common gate amplifier. Assume the NMOS M 1 is in saturation. The ideal current source I = 0.5 m A . For M1, k n = 0.25 m A / V 2 , and λ = 0 . C1 and C3 have infinite capacitance. R S = 1 k Ω , R G = 100 k Ω , R D = 10 k Ω , R L = 50 k Ω . (a) What is the input impedance R i n , indicated by the arrow? (b) What is the total voltage gain: A v = v o / v s ?

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