Consider the circuit of Fig. 5.56 for the case VDD = VSS = 10 V, I = 0.5 mA, RG = 4.7 MΩ, RD = 15 kΩ, Vt = 1.5 V, and kn′(W/L) = 1 mA/V2. Find VOV, VGS, VG, VS, and VD. Also, calculate the values of gm and ro, assuming that VA = 75 V. What is the maximum possible signal swing at the drain for which the MOSFET remains in saturation?

Consider the circuit of Fig. 5.56 for the case VDD = VSS = 10 V, I = 0.5 mA, RG = 4.7 MΩ, RD = 15 kΩ, Vt = 1.5 V, and kn′(W/L) = 1 mA/V2. Find VOV, VGS, VG, VS, and VD. Also, calculate the values of gm and ro, assuming that VA = 75 V. What is the maximum possible signal swing at the drain for which the MOSFET remains in saturation?

Consider the circuit of Fig. 5.56 for the case VDD = VSS = 10 V, I = 0.5 mA, RG = 4.7 MΩ, RD = 15 kΩ, Vt = 1.5 V, and kn′(W/L) = 1 mA/V2. Find VOV, VGS, VG, VS, and VD. Also, calculate the values of gm and ro, assuming that VA = 75 V. What is the maximum possible signal swing at the drain for which the MOSFET remains in saturation?

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Consider the circuit of Fig. 5.56 for the case VDD = VSS = 10 V, I = 0.5 mA, RG = 4.7 MΩ, RD = 15 kΩ, Vt = 1.5 V, and kn′(W/L) = 1 mA/V2. Find VOV, VGS, VG, VS, and VD. Also, calculate the values of gm and ro, assuming that VA = 75 V. What is the maximum possible signal swing at the drain for which the MOSFET remains in saturation?

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