Consider the circuit shown below, all the transistors have on-resistance of 5k. Assume all the capacitors and the output Y are initially pre-charged to Vdd. Identify the logic states of the inputs for the worst-case (highest) output fall time, and use Elmore delay method to calculate the output fall time

Consider the circuit shown below, all the transistors have on-resistance of 5k. Assume all the capacitors and the output Y are initially pre-charged to Vdd. Identify the logic states of the inputs for the worst-case (highest) output fall time, and use Elmore delay method to calculate the output fall time

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Consider the circuit shown below, all the transistors have on-resistance of 5k. Assume all the capacitors and the output Y are initially pre-charged to Vdd. Identify the logic states of the inputs for the worst-case (highest) output fall time, and use Elmore delay method to calculate the output fall time

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