Consider the CMOS circuit to the right. Vtn = |Vtp| = 0.5 V μnCox = 4μpCox = 400 μA/V2 Wn = 270 nm Ln = 180 nm (Reminder that kn = WLμnCox) a. You have a goal of making the current through both transistors equal to 20 μA. If successful, what value of VO will occur? b. Find the W/L ratio for the PMOS that would result in 20 μA of current to pass through both transistors.

Consider the CMOS circuit to the right. Vtn = |Vtp| = 0.5 V μnCox = 4μpCox = 400 μA/V2 Wn = 270 nm Ln = 180 nm (Reminder that kn = WLμnCox) a. You have a goal of making the current through both transistors equal to 20 μA. If successful, what value of VO will occur? b. Find the W/L ratio for the PMOS that would result in 20 μA of current to pass through both transistors.

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  1. Consider the CMOS circuit to the right.
V t n = | V t p | = 0.5 V μ n C o x = 4 μ p C o x = 400 μ A / V 2 W n = 270 nm L n = 180 nm
(Reminder that k n = W L μ n C o x ) a. You have a goal of making the current through both transistors equal to 20 μ A . If successful, what value of V O will occur? b. Find the W / L ratio for the PMOS that would result in 20 μ A of current to pass through both transistors.

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