Consider the following 2 T DRAM design. All NMOS transistors are minimum sized ones with W/L ratio of 2:1. The drain diffusion capacitance and gate capacitance of the two transistors are Cd = 15 fF and Cg = 25 fF, respectively. Given k′ = μnCox = 100 μA/V2, Vt, n = 0.3 V, CRBL = CWBL = 400 fF, VDD = 1.5 V, γ = 0.15 V, 2φF = −0.6 V and when accessed WL = VDD and RL¯ = 0 V.

Consider the following 2 T DRAM design. All NMOS transistors are minimum sized ones with W/L ratio of 2:1. The drain diffusion capacitance and gate capacitance of the two transistors are Cd = 15 fF and Cg = 25 fF, respectively. Given k′ = μnCox = 100 μA/V2, Vt, n = 0.3 V, CRBL = CWBL = 400 fF, VDD = 1.5 V, γ = 0.15 V, 2φF = −0.6 V and when accessed WL = VDD and RL¯ = 0 V.

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Consider the following 2T DRAM design.
All NMOS transistors are minimum sized ones with W/L ratio of 2:1. The drain diffusion capacitance and gate capacitance of the two transistors are C d = 15 f F and C g = 25 f F , respectively. Given k = μ n C o x = 100 μ A V 2 , V t , n = 0.3 V , C R B L = C W B L = 400 f F , V D D = 1.5 V , γ = 0.15 V , 2 φ F = 0.6 V and when accessed W L = V D D and R L ¯ = 0 V .

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