Consider the following circuit where R1 = 17 Ω, β = 85. Assume ICQ = 3.5 mA and VT = 25 mV. VCC and VB are constant. Neglect the Early effect. Find the input resistance Rin in ohms

Consider the following circuit where R1 = 17 Ω, β = 85. Assume ICQ = 3.5 mA and VT = 25 mV. VCC and VB are constant. Neglect the Early effect. Find the input resistance Rin in ohms

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Consider the following circuit where R 1 = 17 Ω , β = 85 . Assume I C Q = 3.5 m A and V T = 25 m V . V C C and V B are constant. Neglect the Early effect. Find the input resistance R in in ohms

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