Consider the following differential amplifier. Assume all transistors are operating in saturation region and λ = γ = 0, VDD = 3 V, VTH(NMOS) = 0.5 V, μnCox = 1 mA/V2, R = 100 Ω, (W/L)1 = (W/L)2 = 16 and (W/L)0 = 32. Also, assume that the Vbias = 0.75 V and the circuit is symmetric. a) What should the value of RL. be if the magnitude of the differential voltage gain of the circuit is 4 V/V. b) For the circuit to operate properly (i.e., all transistors operate in their saturation region), what are the minimum and maximum values of the input common-mode voltage (i.e., input DC voltage)

Consider the following differential amplifier. Assume all transistors are operating in saturation region and λ = γ = 0, VDD = 3 V, VTH(NMOS) = 0.5 V, μnCox = 1 mA/V2, R = 100 Ω, (W/L)1 = (W/L)2 = 16 and (W/L)0 = 32. Also, assume that the Vbias = 0.75 V and the circuit is symmetric. a) What should the value of RL. be if the magnitude of the differential voltage gain of the circuit is 4 V/V. b) For the circuit to operate properly (i.e., all transistors operate in their saturation region), what are the minimum and maximum values of the input common-mode voltage (i.e., input DC voltage)

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  1. Consider the following differential amplifier.
Assume all transistors are operating in saturation region and λ = γ = 0 , V D D = 3 V , V Tu( ( R = 100 Ω , ( W / L ) 1 = ( W / L ) 2 = 16 and ( W / L ) 0 = 32 . Also, assume that the V bus = 0.75 V and the circuit is symmetric. a) What should the value of R L . be if the magnitude of the differential voltage gain of the circuit is 4 V / V . b) For the circuit to operate properly (i.e., all transistors operate in their saturation region), what are the minimum and maximum values of the input common-mode voltage (i.e., input DC voltage)

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