Consider the following ID−VG characteristics shown for two transistors of equal size, one with a higher threshold voltage (VTH) and another with a lower threshold voltage (VTL) (note: ID axis is in log scale). Assume that VTH is 100mV higher than VTL = 100 mV. a. If the low VT transistor shows an OFF current of IOFFL = 1 nA at room temperature (27∘C), estimate the OFF current of the high VT transistor (IOFFH) at room temperature. b. Estimate the OFF current of both transistors at 100∘C and compare the values with the values at room temperature. c. If the high VT transistor operates at supply voltage VDDH = 1 V and the low VT transistor operates at supply voltage VDDL = 0.5 V, estimate the standby power consumption of a chip that contains one billion of high VT off transistors operating at VDDH = 1 V and the standby power of a chip that contains one billion of low VT off transistors operating at VDDL = 0.5 V. Perform the power estimation for room temperature and 100∘C. d. Compare the standby power consumption of the low VT chip with the high VT chip and explain the difference.

Consider the following ID−VG characteristics shown for two transistors of equal size, one with a higher threshold voltage (VTH) and another with a lower threshold voltage (VTL) (note: ID axis is in log scale). Assume that VTH is 100mV higher than VTL = 100 mV. a. If the low VT transistor shows an OFF current of IOFFL = 1 nA at room temperature (27∘C), estimate the OFF current of the high VT transistor (IOFFH) at room temperature. b. Estimate the OFF current of both transistors at 100∘C and compare the values with the values at room temperature. c. If the high VT transistor operates at supply voltage VDDH = 1 V and the low VT transistor operates at supply voltage VDDL = 0.5 V, estimate the standby power consumption of a chip that contains one billion of high VT off transistors operating at VDDH = 1 V and the standby power of a chip that contains one billion of low VT off transistors operating at VDDL = 0.5 V. Perform the power estimation for room temperature and 100∘C. d. Compare the standby power consumption of the low VT chip with the high VT chip and explain the difference.

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Consider the following I D V G characteristics shown for two transistors of equal size, one with a higher threshold voltage ( V T H ) and another with a lower threshold voltage ( V T L ) (note: I D axis is in log scale). Assume that V T H is 100 m V higher than V T L = 100 m V . a. If the low V T transistor shows an OFF current of I O F F L = 1 n A at room temperature ( 27 C ) , estimate the OFF current of the high V T transistor ( I O F F H ) at room temperature. b. Estimate the OFF current of both transistors at 100 C and compare the values with the values at room temperature. c. If the high V T transistor operates at supply voltage V D D H = 1 V and the low V T transistor operates at supply voltage V D D L = 0.5 V , estimate the standby power consumption of a chip that contains one billion of high V T off transistors operating at V D D H = 1 V and the standby power of a chip that contains one billion of low V T off transistors operating at V D D L = 0.5 V . Perform the power estimation for room temperature and 100 C . d. Compare the standby power consumption of the low V T chip with the high V T chip and explain the difference.

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