Consider the following MOSFET Amplifier where M3 and M4 form a current mirror. The parameters of the transistors are kn′ = 0.2 mA/V2, VTH = 0.4 V, and λ = 0 (a) Find the value of Rm such that ID1 = 0.1 mA. Assume (W/L)1 = (W/L)2 = 5. Rm = kΩ (b) Find the value of RD that places the transistor M1 100 mV away from the triode region. RD = kΩ (c) What is the required W/L of M3 if the circuit must provide a voltage gain of 50 with the value of RD obtained in (b) (W/L)3 = Write your answer rounding to 3 significant digits. Examples: 0.357, −2.48, 13.0, −924, 3450

Consider the following MOSFET Amplifier where M3 and M4 form a current mirror. The parameters of the transistors are kn′ = 0.2 mA/V2, VTH = 0.4 V, and λ = 0 (a) Find the value of Rm such that ID1 = 0.1 mA. Assume (W/L)1 = (W/L)2 = 5. Rm = kΩ (b) Find the value of RD that places the transistor M1 100 mV away from the triode region. RD = kΩ (c) What is the required W/L of M3 if the circuit must provide a voltage gain of 50 with the value of RD obtained in (b) (W/L)3 = Write your answer rounding to 3 significant digits. Examples: 0.357, −2.48, 13.0, −924, 3450

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Consider the following MOSFET Amplifier where M 3 and M 4 form a current mirror. The parameters of the transistors are k n = 0.2 m A / V 2 , V T H = 0.4 V , and λ = 0 (a) Find the value of R m such that I D 1 = 0.1 m A . Assume ( W / L ) 1 = ( W / L ) 2 = 5 . R m = k Ω (b) Find the value of R D that places the transistor M 1 100 m V away from the triode region. R D = k Ω (c) What is the required W / L of M 3 if the circuit must provide a voltage gain of 50 with the value of R D obtained in (b)
( W / L ) 3 =
Write your answer rounding to 3 significant digits. Examples: 0.357 , 2.48 , 13.0 , 924 , 3450

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