Consider the MOSFET amplifier circuits below. For each circuit, Identify the amplifier type. Draw the small-signal circuit of the amplifier using the pi-model for the MOSFET, Draw the small-signal circuit of the amplifier using the T-model for the MOSFET. Derive an expression for vo/vi. Derive an expression for vo/vsig . Derive expressions for Ri and Ro.

Consider the MOSFET amplifier circuits below. For each circuit, Identify the amplifier type. Draw the small-signal circuit of the amplifier using the pi-model for the MOSFET, Draw the small-signal circuit of the amplifier using the T-model for the MOSFET. Derive an expression for vo/vi. Derive an expression for vo/vsig . Derive expressions for Ri and Ro.

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Consider the MOSFET amplifier circuits below. For each circuit,
  1. Identify the amplifier type.
  2. Draw the small-signal circuit of the amplifier using the pi-model for the MOSFET,
  3. Draw the small-signal circuit of the amplifier using the T-model for the MOSFET.
  4. Derive an expression for v o / v i .
  5. Derive an expression for v o / v sig .
  6. Derive expressions for R i and R o .

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