Consider the MOSFET feedback amplifier circuit shown below: a) Identify the type of feedback amplifier depicted. (5 points) b) Analyze the feedback network and determine R11, R22, and K. (10 points) c) Construct the loaded open-loop gain circuit and derive an expression for A. (10 points) d) Using the results of b) and c), determine Af, Rif, and Rof (10 points) You must include the effects of channel length modulation in your analysis.

Consider the MOSFET feedback amplifier circuit shown below: a) Identify the type of feedback amplifier depicted. (5 points) b) Analyze the feedback network and determine R11, R22, and K. (10 points) c) Construct the loaded open-loop gain circuit and derive an expression for A. (10 points) d) Using the results of b) and c), determine Af, Rif, and Rof (10 points) You must include the effects of channel length modulation in your analysis.

Image text
Consider the MOSFET feedback amplifier circuit shown below: a) Identify the type of feedback amplifier depicted. (5 points) b) Analyze the feedback network and determine R 11 , R 22 , and K . ( 10 points) c) Construct the loaded open-loop gain circuit and derive an expression for A . (10 points) d) Using the results of b ) and c), determine A f , R i f , and R o f ( 10 points)
You must include the effects of channel length modulation in your analysis.

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