Consider the NMOS pass transistor circuit shown in Fig. 3 with VDD = 5 V, Vtn = 1 V, and effective resistance of the transistor Rn = 3 kΩ. Assume that Vour = 0 V at t = 0. Sketch the input and output waveforms when a step input VIN (0 V to VDD) is fed at t = 0. What will be the steady state voltage Vour for t = ∞ ? Figure 3. An NMOS Pass Transistor

Consider the NMOS pass transistor circuit shown in Fig. 3 with VDD = 5 V, Vtn = 1 V, and effective resistance of the transistor Rn = 3 kΩ. Assume that Vour = 0 V at t = 0. Sketch the input and output waveforms when a step input VIN (0 V to VDD) is fed at t = 0. What will be the steady state voltage Vour for t = ∞ ? Figure 3. An NMOS Pass Transistor

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Consider the NMOS pass transistor circuit shown in Fig. 3 with V D D = 5 V , X tp = 1 V , and effective resistance of the transistor R n = 3 k Ω . Assume that Vour = 0 V at t = 0 . Sketch the input and output waveforms when a step input V I N ( 0 V to V D D ) is fed at t = 0 . What will be the steady state voltage Vour for t = ? Figure 3. An NMOS Pass Transistor

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