Consider the periodic modulating signal shown below. For a carrier frequency of ωc = 8π [rad/s], find: (a) Sketch the full AM signal for a modulation index of 0.5, and ∞. (b) If the signals in (a) are passed through a peak detector, sketch the signals at the output of the detector. (c) Determine the power efficiency in each case of part (a). (d) Determine the bandwidth of the AM signal.

Consider the periodic modulating signal shown below. For a carrier frequency of ωc = 8π [rad/s], find: (a) Sketch the full AM signal for a modulation index of 0.5, and ∞. (b) If the signals in (a) are passed through a peak detector, sketch the signals at the output of the detector. (c) Determine the power efficiency in each case of part (a). (d) Determine the bandwidth of the AM signal.

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  1. (10 points) Consider the periodic modulating signal shown below. For a carrier frequency of ω c = 8 π [ r a d / s ] , find: (a) Sketch the full AM signal for a modulation index of 0.5 , and . (b) If the signals in (a) are passed through a peak detector, sketch the signals at the output of the detector. (c) Determine the power efficiency in each case of part (a). (d) Determine the bandwidth of the AM signal.

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