D 9.88 In a current-mirror-loaded differential amplifier of the form shown in Fig. 9.31(a), all transistors are characterized by k′W/L = 4 mA/V2, and |VA| = 5 V. Find the bias current I for which the gain vo/vid = 25 V/V.

D 9.88 In a current-mirror-loaded differential amplifier of the form shown in Fig. 9.31(a), all transistors are characterized by k′W/L = 4 mA/V2, and |VA| = 5 V. Find the bias current I for which the gain vo/vid = 25 V/V.

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D 9.88 In a current-mirror-loaded differential amplifier of the form shown in Fig. 9.31(a), all transistors are characterized by k W / L = 4 m A / V 2 , and | V A | = 5 V . Find the bias current I for which the gain v o / v i d = 25 V / V .

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