D14.1 Design the inverter in Fig. 14.12 (a) to provide VOL = 90 mV and to draw a supply current of 30 μA in the low-output state. Let the transistor be specified to have Vt = 0.4 V, μnCox = 125 μA/V2, and λ = 0. The power supply VDD = 1.8 V. Specify the required values of W/L and RD. How much power is drawn from VDD when the switch is open? Closed? Hint: Recall that for small vDS, rDS ≃ 1 /[(μnCox)(W/L)(VGS − Vt)] Ans. 1.9; 57 kΩ; 0; 54 μW (a)

D14.1 Design the inverter in Fig. 14.12 (a) to provide VOL = 90 mV and to draw a supply current of 30 μA in the low-output state. Let the transistor be specified to have Vt = 0.4 V, μnCox = 125 μA/V2, and λ = 0. The power supply VDD = 1.8 V. Specify the required values of W/L and RD. How much power is drawn from VDD when the switch is open? Closed? Hint: Recall that for small vDS, rDS ≃ 1 /[(μnCox)(W/L)(VGS − Vt)] Ans. 1.9; 57 kΩ; 0; 54 μW (a)D14.1 Design the inverter in Fig. 14.12 (a) to provide VOL = 90 mV and to draw a supply current of 30 μA in the low-output state. Let the transistor be specified to have Vt = 0.4 V, μnCox = 125 μA/V2, and λ = 0. The power supply VDD = 1.8 V. Specify the required values of W/L and RD. How much power is drawn from VDD when the switch is open? Closed? Hint: Recall that for small vDS, rDS ≃ 1 /[(μnCox)(W/L)(VGS − Vt)] Ans. 1.9; 57 kΩ; 0; 54 μW (a)

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D14.1 Design the inverter in Fig. 14.12 (a) to provide V O L = 90 m V and to draw a supply current of 30 μ A in the low-output state. Let the transistor be specified to have V t = 0.4 V , μ n C α x = 125 μ A / V 2 , and λ = 0 . The power supply V D D = 1.8 V . Specify the required values of W / L and R D . How much power is drawn from V D D when the switch is open? Closed? Hint: Recall that for small v D S ,
r D S 1 / [ ( μ n C o x ) ( W L ) ( V G S V t ) ]
Ans. 1.9 ; 57 k Ω ; 0 ; 54 μ W

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