Design Case: The I-V characteristics of a NMOS device is to be studied. Especially, the relationships between IDS, VGS, and VDS are to be found. Find the I-V characteristics of a NMOS with size W/L = 2u/0.4u by performing the following simulations: 1. Run a DC simulation and demonstrate IDS curve when VGS is swept from 0 V to 2 V. > Set VDS=1 V. > Plot the VGS VS. IDS curve. > Q1.1: What is the threshold voltage (VTH) of the given transistor? Q1.2: Explain how gm can be calculated from the VGS Vs. IDS curve. 2. Run a DC simulation and show IDS curve when VDS is swept from 0V to 2 V. > Set VGS = 700mV. > Plot VDS VS. IDS Curve. > Q2.1: At what VDS does the transistor transit from linear region to saturation region? > Q2.2: Does the given device suffer from channel length modulation effect? Q Q2.3: If it suffers from channel length modulation, how can it be fixed? Q2.4: Explain how ro can be calculated from the VDS vs. IDS curve. * For all design sessions, use nfet33 for NMOS and pfet33 for PMOS from "cmrf8sf" library.

Design Case: The I-V characteristics of a NMOS device is to be studied. Especially, the relationships between IDS, VGS, and VDS are to be found. Find the I-V characteristics of a NMOS with size W/L = 2u/0.4u by performing the following simulations: 1. Run a DC simulation and demonstrate IDS curve when VGS is swept from 0 V to 2 V. > Set VDS=1 V. > Plot the VGS VS. IDS curve. > Q1.1: What is the threshold voltage (VTH) of the given transistor? Q1.2: Explain how gm can be calculated from the VGS Vs. IDS curve. 2. Run a DC simulation and show IDS curve when VDS is swept from 0V to 2 V. > Set VGS = 700mV. > Plot VDS VS. IDS Curve. > Q2.1: At what VDS does the transistor transit from linear region to saturation region? > Q2.2: Does the given device suffer from channel length modulation effect? Q Q2.3: If it suffers from channel length modulation, how can it be fixed? Q2.4: Explain how ro can be calculated from the VDS vs. IDS curve. * For all design sessions, use nfet33 for NMOS and pfet33 for PMOS from "cmrf8sf" library.

Design Case: The I-V characteristics of a NMOS device is to be studied. Especially, the relationships between IDS, VGS, and VDS are to be found. Find the I-V characteristics of a NMOS with size W/L = 2u/0.4u by performing the following simulations: 1. Run a DC simulation and demonstrate IDS curve when VGS is swept from 0 V to 2 V. > Set VDS=1 V. > Plot the VGS VS. IDS curve. > Q1.1: What is the threshold voltage (VTH) of the given transistor? Q1.2: Explain how gm can be calculated from the VGS Vs. IDS curve. 2. Run a DC simulation and show IDS curve when VDS is swept from 0V to 2 V. > Set VGS = 700mV. > Plot VDS VS. IDS Curve. > Q2.1: At what VDS does the transistor transit from linear region to saturation region? > Q2.2: Does the given device suffer from channel length modulation effect? Q Q2.3: If it suffers from channel length modulation, how can it be fixed? Q2.4: Explain how ro can be calculated from the VDS vs. IDS curve. * For all design sessions, use nfet33 for NMOS and pfet33 for PMOS from "cmrf8sf" library.

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Design Case: The I-V characteristics of a NMOS device is to be studied. Especially, the relationships between IDS, VGS, and VDS are to be found. Find the I-V characteristics of a NMOS with size W/L = 2u/0.4u by performing the following simulations: 1. Run a DC simulation and demonstrate IDS curve when VGS is swept from 0 V to 2 V. > Set VDS=1 V. > Plot the VGS VS. IDS curve. > Q1.1: What is the threshold voltage (VTH) of the given transistor? Q1.2: Explain how gm can be calculated from the VGS Vs. IDS curve. 2. Run a DC simulation and show IDS curve when VDS is swept from 0V to 2 V. > Set VGS = 700mV. > Plot VDS VS. IDS Curve. > Q2.1: At what VDS does the transistor transit from linear region to saturation region? > Q2.2: Does the given device suffer from channel length modulation effect? Q Q2.3: If it suffers from channel length modulation, how can it be fixed? Q2.4: Explain how ro can be calculated from the VDS vs. IDS curve. * For all design sessions, use nfet33 for NMOS and pfet33 for PMOS from "cmrf8sf" library.

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