Design the circuit in Fig. P7.98 so that the transistor operates in saturation with VD biased 1 V from the edge of the triode region, with ID = 1 mA and VD = 3 V, for each of the following two devices (use a 10-uA current in the voltage divider): (a) |Vt| = 1 V and kp'W/L = 0.5 mA/V2 (b) |Vt| = 2 V and kp'W/L = 1.25 mA/V2 Figure P7.98 For each case, specify the values of VG, VD, VS, R1, R2, RS, and RD. Figure P7.98

D 7.98 Design the circuit in Fig. P7.98 so that the transistor operates in saturation with VD biased 1 V from the edge of the triode region, with ID = 1 mA and VD = 3 V, for each of the following two devices (use a 10-μA current in the voltage divider): (a) |Vt| = 1 V and kp'W/L = 0.5 mA/V2 (b) |Vt| = 2 V and kp'W/L = 1.25 mA/V2 For each case, specify the values of VG, VD, VS , R1, R2, RS , and RD.

Design the circuit in Fig. P7.98 so that the transistor operates in saturation with VD biased 1 V from the edge of the triode region, with ID = 1 mA and VD = 3 V, for each of the following two devices (use a 10-uA current in the voltage divider): (a) |Vt| = 1 V and kp'W/L = 0.5 mA/V2 (b) |Vt| = 2 V and kp'W/L = 1.25 mA/V2 Figure P7.98 For each case, specify the values of VG, VD, VS, R1, R2, RS, and RD. Figure P7.98

Image text
Design the circuit in Fig. P7.98 so that the transistor operates in saturation with VD biased 1 V from the edge of the triode region, with ID = 1 mA and VD = 3 V, for each of the following two devices (use a 10-uA current in the voltage divider): (a) |Vt| = 1 V and kp'W/L = 0.5 mA/V2 (b) |Vt| = 2 V and kp'W/L = 1.25 mA/V2 Figure P7.98 For each case, specify the values of VG, VD, VS, R1, R2, RS, and RD.
Figure P7.98

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