Find the state of NMOS and PMOS in region 1 and 2. Show your reasoning with numbers. Assume Vt to be 0.5 V for NMOS and - 0.5 V for PMOS Voltage-Transfer Characteristics (VTC)

Find the state of NMOS and PMOS in region 1 and 2. Show your reasoning with numbers. Assume Vt to be 0.5 V for NMOS and - 0.5 V for PMOS Voltage-Transfer Characteristics (VTC)

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Find the state of NMOS and PMOS in region 1 and 2. Show your reasoning with numbers. Assume Vt to be 0.5 V for NMOS and - 0.5 V for PMOS Voltage-Transfer Characteristics (VTC)

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